American Legion Post #73
Still Serving The Veterans and Their Community
I would like to thank all the members of Post # 73 for giving me the honor of being the Commander of Post # 73. The tenure of a Commander is short and there is a lot that must be done on my part. I promise to do my best to perform the duties of Commander to the best of my abilities.
There is little doubt that times are hard, but it seems to be harder then ever on our veterans. As Commander of Post # 73 I need your help. Meany of you have stepped up to the challenges that we face trying to support our veterans, as well as the local community; and I Thank You All. With your continued help we will be able to support those that are truly in need of our help.
We have one of the best American Legion Posts in the State of Maine, but only with the help of all our members can we continue to be one of the best. So please give your support whenever and wherever possible.
Please feel free to pass along any of your suggestions to any officer of our post, Remember it your ideas in the past that have made it possible of us to grow and be able to give support where needed!
Thank You;
Vinal Teague
Post # 73 Commander,
Post Number: (207) 257-2454